We provide an array of audio/video recording services, including Podcasting, VODcasting, and Voice-Over. We also provide consulting services for individuals and businesses looking to expand closer to home.
We have 3 individual and unique recording environments. Each room is different in size, but all rooms accommodates a lot of the same hardware, software and technology. We record audio in 44.1 or 48 kHz. We record video in 1080p and 4K ProRes.

Room 1: Cashio

Room 2: Serrano
Room 3: Slauson
Room #1: Cashio
Room #1 or “Cashio” as we refer to it is a custom radio station look-and-feel room. It’s our original room that we created in our home in 2013. It has a custom high-top table sitting at 42 inches off the floor with 36 inches tall metal bar stools. This studio is great for voiceover, scripted shows, and remote guests. You can sit or stand in this room making it very versatile.
Payment is due upon receiving our invoice. We deliver links to your content once we are paid.
$95 per hr. / $1.59 per min.
1 hour minimum
4 Logitech Webcams
4 Shure SM7B Microphones
Remote Connections (Zoom Pro, or Other Like Connections)
Branding Monitors (1920×1080)
15-Day Cloud Storage
Room #2: Serrano
Room #2 or “Serrano” as we refer to it, is our customizable set design room. This room is great for podcasters who want to go for a different look than our standard “Slauson” setup. You can do merch placement, bring in outside furniture and add decor to the walls. It can also accommodate 1-on-1 remote interviews.

Payment is due upon receiving our invoice. We deliver links to your content once we are paid.
$195 per hr. / $3.25 per min.
1 hour minimum
1 Sony a6300 Camera (1080p/4K)
1 Sony a7 Camera (1080p/4k)
4 Shure SM7B Microphones
Remote Connections (Zoom Pro, or Other Like Connections)
Branding Monitors (1920×1080)
15-Day Cloud Storage
Room #3: Slauson
Room #3 or “Slauson” as we refer to it is our largest room. This room is great for 1-on-1 interviews and up to 4 person group video recordings.
Payment is due upon receiving our invoice. We deliver links to your content once we are paid.
$195 per hr. / $3.25 per min.
1 hour minimum
2 Sony a6300 Camera (1080p/4K)
4-6 Shure SM7B Microphones
Remote Connections (Zoom Pro, or Other Like Connections)
Branding Monitors (1920×1080)
15-Day Cloud Storage
Editing Services
$50 flat rate
Our color and audio synchronization service takes the recorded video and matches the audio to the asset as well as coloring the footage to make sure it is ready to be formerly processed and edited. This is a task that needs to be fulfilled in an effort to produce a high quality production value.
$100 flat rate
A line cut is just like it sounds. We take all camera angles and create a watchable asset where we cut the video together choosing the line of who is speaking and cut the video appropriately.
Consulting Services
$100 per hour
Billed per 15 minutes after the first hour
We provide consulting services for those individuals or businesses, who are looking to create their own in-house Podcast and VODcast solutions. We also help people with setting up mobile ready Podcast solutions. We are also here to help identify with new and emerging trends as well as help with understanding the metric data related to the project. We are help to help in all aspects of Podcast and VODcast production.
$100 per hour
Billed per 15 minutes after the first hour
We provide consulting services for those individuals or businesses, who are looking to create their own in-house Podcast and VODcast solutions. We also help people with setting up mobile ready Podcast solutions. We are also here to help identify with new and emerging trends as well as help with understanding the metric data related to the project. We are help to help in all aspects of Podcast and VODcast production.
$500 per hour
$125 billed per 15 minutes after the first hour
We provide consulting services for those individuals or businesses, who are looking to create their own in-house Podcast and VODcast solutions. We also help people with setting up mobile ready Podcast solutions. We are also here to help identify with new and emerging trends as well as help with understanding the metric data related to the project. We are help to help in all aspects of Podcast and VODcast production.